Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Ice Valley

There seems to be a great deal of valleys in this game and all of them are susceptible to the elements. Unlike the earlier Fire Valley challenge which had all manner of fire-based traps and minions, Ice Valley is sparse with equipment, but hey, they don't call it a weekly challenge for nothing... right?

Weekly Challenge Map 7: Ice Valley

When you first dive into a map like Ice Valley, you often wonder how the end of the stage will play out. Being equipped with only one weapon and one trap, you better be planning ahead! Not planning accordingly often results in missed opportunities which result in a map restart which results in lost time. Get it?

Orcs are allergic to ice.

I'll admit I got sort of lucky when I came up with the strategy to finish the stage, but like OMD!2 is always good for, there's certainly a variety of ways to tackle the situation. If you come up with any other awesome ways to win, please let me know!

Head on back for next week's challenge and, maybe if demand requests it, we'll do a livestream of the weekly challenge!

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