This website was the place I'd post most of my articles before joining another outlet. It's nothing too fancy, but it's a nice opportunity to showcase some of the roots of my writing.
What Gears of War 3 needs to succeedKoei, this is what Dynasty Warriors needs!
The Infinity Battle wages
The digital age and instruction manuals
What the Red Faction movie needs to succeed
Why Halo needed Reach
Devil Kings 3 could be the hack and slash answer
What if EA's online pass goes universal?
The danger of priced downloadable content
Halo: Reach post-beta impressions and insight
Why space sims need to be revived
Why Mortal Kombat's change is necessary
Mortal Kombat's true rebirth
The skinny on Gears 3 at E3
Donkey Kong Country Returns, but will the Kremlings?
The indie co-op appeal
Planeswalking, reminiscing and DLC
MMOs and how change can wreak havoc
MMOs have forgotten their value on exploration
Final Fantasy XIV's limitations aren't necessarily bad
EA to add replacement officials to Madden 13 (humor)
Top 5 games of summer 2012
5 reasons why Gears of War: Judgment will disappoint (and 5 reasons it won't)
Mega Man 10
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Mass Effect 2
Halo: ODST <-- video review
Shadow Complex <-- video review
Red Faction: Guerrilla <-- video review
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
Orcs Must Die! 2
Mass Effect 2: Leviathan DLC
Double Dragon: Neon
FTL (Faster Than Light) <-- video review
Ravaged <-- video review
Senior Producer Mark Hill talks RaiderZ, the closed beta and why you should give the game a try
Escape Goat creator Ian Stocker talks development, troubles with XBLA and the importance of IndieGameStand
Founder of IndieGameStand explains why they can help augment Steam Greenlight
Obsidian Entertainment co-founder Feargus Urquhart reveals more information on Project Eternity
SpaceChem creator Zach Barth talks mosquito nets, necrobots and upcoming game, Ironclad Tactics
Chris Park talks A Valley Without Wind 2
Razing with RaiderZ: Episode 1
Razing with RaiderZ: Episode 2
Razing with RaiderZ: Episode 3
Razing with RaiderZ: Episode 4
Razing with RaiderZ: Episode 5
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Flip Em' Off!
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Fire Valley
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Trap-less Bra
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Dance For Me
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Traps are so Cool
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Hammer Time
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Ice Valley
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Mine The Gap
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Into The Void
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Polar Bear Crossing
Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Perfect Servant
Expeditions: Conquistador MASSIVE hour long presentation
Discover Arakion and its ambitious Kickstarter campaign
Baldur's Gate II: Redux 10-minute video walkthrough with project lead, Lorne Ledger
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