Friday, September 21, 2012

Orcs Must Die! 2: Weekly Challenge - Hammer Time

Our sixth weekly challenge map takes us to a faraway land in which massive hammers, tar and healing bracelets are the only way to let loose. C'mon in and watch as the War Mage makes short work of those nasty, nasty Orcs - kobolds too!

Weekly Challenge Map 6: Hammer Time

Unlike a few weeks ago where I took the Sorceress on a rampage with only a few weapons, I can safely say that when adding a non-lethal trap to the mix, it makes it that much more fun. The Dwarven Hammer is a great time and this challenge map reminded me of how much damage it can really do.

Just like I've said before though, melee weapons are a ton of fun, but it's a lot better when you have somebody else with you who is focusing more on traps. That way you don't have to worry about enemies slipping by since you're the center of attention and main damaging source. If you're constantly moving out of the way to place more traps and/or fixing your setup, it just doesn't always work very well.

It was another short one, but sometimes these are the most refreshing kind! So c'mon back next week and we'll have another one up as usual.

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